Use cases

Linkcard for Real Estate

Linkcard for Real Estate

Real estate cards are a great digital marketing tool that powers your communication. You can reach more people through search engines and online distribution channels. The process of making these microsites with Linkacrd is so simple you can have yours in minutes.

What is a Real Estate Linkcard?

Linkcard can boost your ways to generate real estate leads by helping you creating sites for each property. That’s right give every property a site of its own, with all necessary information and no need to share the attention. Share specific properties with each client and get traffic insight on all your active markets. You can also use Linkcard sites to create a newsletter and more!

Why did we add Real Estate cards to Linkcard?

Real estate is one of the biggest industries in the world, and one of the most competitive. A market like this requires real estate agents to stand out, be prepared, digital, and quick. All things that you can accomplish with Linkcard. To be a top real estate agent you also need to be branch out and have many things working at once, again another strong point for Linkcard.

Bottom line is, real estate and Linkcard are a perfect match. Work smart, fast, and with a great design!

Use Real Estate card websites for

  1. Having websites for each of your real estate properties
  2. Sending amazing newsletters with updates on properties
  3. Creating digital business cards for yourself or your employees
  4. Starting email signature marketing campaigns
  5. Having a strong digital marketing tool for your website needs
  6. Share your cards in eleven different ways
  7. Add social media links to your cards

Check our Real Estate microsites here

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